Dream Big....Always!

From a young age l had an internal itch that represented travel to me. I knew by age eight or so that l would live in another country other than my homeland - The U.K. Yet did l know from all the roots l had planted New York would be a port of call, and be so for a considerable span of my lifetime.

lm not sure however it speaks retirement to me (endless sunshine, sand in my toes, bouncing grandchildren on my lap, and a continuation of creative endeavors is my dream end game), but I'm still pinching myself on days like this - event chef at the New Museum working alongside young and fresh artists/actors..all billowing with enthusiasm, mind provoking conversations, and heaps of giggles. That and this wee view out of the kitchen window. You cant beat that with a bat!




Dream Big Folks -- Why the hell not!!

Have a smashing holiday weekend wherever you may be..

Beth x

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